All the RFL clubs since 1895
Here is a chart showing all the professional and semi-professional clubs since the Northern Union breakaway in 1895.
Clubs are grouped by their current or most recent name but all the different names clubs have used are included with their dates.
N.B. There are four club names marked with asterisks - Chorley Borough (twice) and Liverpool City (twice). These are where two separate clubs used the same names!
Teams shown in Navy and White are those that Featherstone Rovers have played against (either Navy lettering on white background or White lettering on navy background).
If you spot any errors or omissions please let us know by leaving a comment at the bottom of the page.
Clubs are grouped by their current or most recent name but all the different names clubs have used are included with their dates.
N.B. There are four club names marked with asterisks - Chorley Borough (twice) and Liverpool City (twice). These are where two separate clubs used the same names!
Teams shown in Navy and White are those that Featherstone Rovers have played against (either Navy lettering on white background or White lettering on navy background).
If you spot any errors or omissions please let us know by leaving a comment at the bottom of the page.